Service name: The name of this web site as it shall be displayed on the user’s smart phone.You are going to find the following options:.Log into Drupal and go to "Modules > secsign > Configure".The configuration page lets you manage the module behaviour for the login process. Click on the “SecSign ID” tab and assign your SecSign ID to your profile to allow SecSign ID authentication.

Click on your username, your profile page should appear.To use the SecSign ID two-factor authentication, you need to assign a SecSign ID to your user profile. Choose the section you want to display the SecSign ID login form, for example "Sidebar first".To activate the login block go to "Structure > Blocks" and search for "SecSign ID Login" in the "Disabled" section.Scroll down and enable the secsign module, save your configuration. Log into Drupal and click on "Modules".Unzip the downloaded file and copy the folder "secsign" to Drupal_root/sites/all/modules.Visit our official site to get the app and more information: Īnd check out our flyer at.
We have a strong background of more than 16 years in developing strong cryptography and highly sophisticated security software products for governments, public institutions and private companies. The solution we offer is unique and does not submit any confidential data through a web browser. Just type in your user short name (for instance at SecSign Portal or your Drupal site using this module), confirm your sign-in on your phone and you are done within seconds.ĭespite its simplicity SecSign ID works with comprehensive strongest security technologies. That's it! You can now use your SecSign ID to sign in.

An overview aboput all available APIs and plugins could be found at. There are plugins and extensions for Wordpress and Joomla as well.
Use the SecSign ID two-factor authentication on your Drupal site to enable easy and secure login using your iPhone or Android phone.